In an interesting financial move, Poonawalla Fincorp has decided to issue non-convertible debentures (NCDs) worth up to Rs 100 crore, with a green shoe option that could increase this figure to Rs 190 crore. This decision, made by the company’s board, has attracted attention in the financial market. Let’s break down this development and explore how it fits into the company’s larger growth plan.
Poonawalla Fincorp’s Identity and Role
As a key player in the financial services sector, Poonawalla Fincorp, which is part of the Cyrus Poonawalla Group, operates as a non-deposit taking, systemically important non-banking financial company (ND-SI-NBFC). The company is registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and provides a range of financial solutions to cater to both individual and business needs. Its services span across personal loans, business loans, loans for medical equipment, and more.
Non-Convertible Debentures: The Basics
The company’s decision to issue NCDs is a strategic one, enabling it to raise funds without diluting equity. Poonawalla Fincorp plans to raise Rs 100 crore, with an additional Rs 90 crore under the green shoe option. These debentures are essentially a way for the company to offer fixed interest to investors while raising capital for business expansion.
With a face value of Rs 1 lakh per debenture and a coupon rate of 2%, the company is offering investors a stable, secured investment option. Listing these NCDs on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) ensures liquidity and transparency, allowing investors to buy and sell their debentures with ease.
The Diverse Financial Services Portfolio
Poonawalla Fincorp’s comprehensive range of financial products sets it apart in the market. These include:
Pre-Owned Car Finance: Loans for purchasing used cars, catering to a growing demand.
Personal Loans: Loans for a variety of personal needs, including education and medical expenses.
Loans to Professionals: Specialized loans for professionals, helping them grow their businesses.
Business Loans: Providing funding for SMEs to expand their operations.
Loan Against Property: Helping individuals and businesses unlock the value of their real estate for financing.
Consumer Loans: Loans for personal consumer needs, such as home improvements or purchases.
Specialized Loans: Targeting sectors such as medical equipment and machinery.
By offering such diverse services, Poonawalla Fincorp meets the financial needs of a wide range of customers.
Financial Performance and Setbacks
While Poonawalla Fincorp has a strong presence in the market, its recent financial performance has shown some challenges. As of September 2024, the company reported an AUM of Rs 28,396 crore. However, in Q2 FY25, the company posted a net loss of Rs 471.04 crore, a significant drop from the net profit of Rs 860.17 crore in Q2 FY24. Additionally, total income dropped by 36.4%, signaling difficult times for the company.
Despite these setbacks, Poonawalla Fincorp’s diverse service offerings and its strategy of issuing NCDs suggest that it is positioning itself for a recovery and continued growth.
Strategic Direction and Future Growth
Despite the short-term challenges, Poonawalla Fincorp’s long-term strategy appears focused on capitalizing on opportunities in the market. The funds raised from the NCD issuance will help fuel expansion and innovation in their financial product offerings. The company’s broad portfolio and commitment to offering tailored solutions make it well-positioned for sustained growth in India’s ever-evolving financial services sector.