In Pune's underprivileged areas, a brighter future is on the horizon for many young girls, thanks to the unwavering support of the Lila Poonawalla Foundation (LPF). Focused on empowering girls to pursue higher education, particularly in the sciences, LPF’s scholarships alleviate the financial constraints that often hinder academic success.
At a recent scholarship award ceremony, Per Heggens, CEO of the IKEA Foundation, and his wife Karen graced the event as special guests. Heggens, a long-time advocate of LPF’s mission, emphasized his ongoing commitment to dismantling financial barriers for young women in education. Through the IKEA Foundation, girls from various countries, including India, receive the educational resources necessary to transform their lives and communities.
Lila Poonawalla, the co-founder of LPF and a highly respected corporate figure, shared inspiring stories of the foundation’s far-reaching impact. She highlighted how many of the scholarship recipients have gone on to achieve remarkable success in their careers, subsequently uplifting their families and contributing to global sustainability goals.
Priti Khare, CEO of LPF, emphasized the foundation’s relentless efforts to support academically talented yet financially disadvantaged girls, equipping them to become the leaders of tomorrow. LPF’s assistance extends beyond financial aid; it includes skill development programs, mentorship, and counseling, ensuring holistic growth for the beneficiaries. Over the past 27 years, with the backing of corporate donors and partners, LPF has supported 12,800 girls in their academic journeys.
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During the ceremony, 128 girls from modest backgrounds, including daughters of farmers, drivers, and single parents, were honored for their achievements. LPF's ambitious goal for the year is to award over 1,000 scholarships across Pune, Wardha, Amravati, Nagpur, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, helping even more young women realize their academic dreams and potential.